Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why another blog...

Blogs come and go (I've usually got about a dozen active blogs at any one time), and I felt like I just had to create a new blog to keep a record of my very favorite book discoveries at GoogleBooks and other digital library initiatives. I've been relying on digital libraries in all my work over the past several years, and it would be nice to be able to share the joy of the book discoveries I've made with others.

Here's another spur which prodded me to do this: I keep running into online articles and discussion board posts by librarians who seem intent on dismissing what GoogleBooks is doing simply because it does not fit into their expectations of what a digital library should be. I often leave some kind of comment at those articles when I find them, most recently here at Inside Higher Ed (an especially snarky post to which I felt compelled to reply), along with many other similar examples at places like the Chronicle of Higher Ed, etc. So, in addition to sharing my love of GoogleBooks by leaving comments at other people's pessimistic posts, I wanted to have a place of my own to list wonderful book discoveries as they come my way, and to share those discoveries with others!

Plus, I hope this blog will prompt me to do my "virtual civic duty" and supply quick reviews of the books that I love at GoogleBooks. So, as I blog about books here, I will also have a quick review that I can put up in GoogleBooks, too. It looks like they will show up here at my Google Books Profile - pretty nifty!


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