Colloquia Latina by Benjamin D'Oooge (1888)
You can see a list of the titles of these colloquia on p. 3. There are "real life" dialogues, such as Pater et Filius, Magister et Discipulus, Duo Cives Americani, etc., but also lots of mythological dialogues, such Charon et Hercules, Cyclops et Ulixes, etc.
Here is beginning of the Cyclops and Ulysses dialogue - I have not typed the macrons here, but the D'Ooge text does have macrons.
C. Heus, aliene! Quis tandem tu es? Unde venisti? Utrum mercator es an pirata?
U. Minime pirata, domine, sed heros Graecus, Troia cum sociis meis domum navigo.
C. Ubi igitur navem tuam reliquisti?
U. Heu, heu! nullam navem habemus; nam tanta tempestas, dum ad hanc insulam navigamus, coorta est ut nos, nave fracta, soli superessemus. (read more)

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